Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Can Stand!!!

We were playing outside in the pool today and mommy just happened to get this picture of Madeline standing. She has been standing for like 5 -10 seconds for a couple of weeks now, but it is hard to get it on camera.

New Tunnel!

Madeline found a new use for an old toy!

Sleeping at the Dinner Table!

Monday night Madeline decided that she wanted to play from 2 am until 3:30 am, and then she paid for it the next day. She was SO tired all day on Tuesday but didn't nap very much. Well Tuesday night she got really cranky at about 5:00 so I decided to feed her early so she could go to bed early. Well she didn't even make it through supper!!!!!She would try to put rasines in her mouth while sleeping. She totally missed and instead put them in her eyes and then got mad b/c something was on her eyes. Madeline gave up a couple times but then would try to eat again a little later on. Then finally she totally gave up while I was trying to finish my supper. I could have hung her upside down by her toes this night b/c she was OUT!

New PJ

I just think Madeline is so cute in her new summer PJs!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Last week

I missed a couple of things that we did last week!

Thursday we went to a funraiser for a little boy who has cancer. Mommy's company donated some donuts for breakfast and some money. It was at inside fun jump place. I tried to take pictures, but once again M was mad that I took the camera away.
Madeline coming to get the camera
Madeline realizing that I am not giving her the cameraMadeline in another fun jump. She thought it was fun when she could have the camera. I would go to the opposite side that she was on and jump really high. She would just move a little and really liked it! This was fun until the big kids came in and took over! Then on Saturday the three of us went swimming at the neighborhood pool. Madeline was pretty tired so we didn't stay too long.
Here is daddy and Madeline playing and having fun...before she realized I had the camera.She didn't get the camera!

She really is a happy long as she gets her way! :)

Baby Time

We had a great time today at the Barbara Bush Library for baby time. This is anything that we did with the Spring Moms and Babes group. For the first 15 minutes we sang songs and the lady read a couple nursery rhymes then for the last part of the hour the babies had play time and the moms had talk time. It was a lot of fun! We both made a couple new friends.Madeline enjoyed playing with all the other babies and all the new toys!


Today was our last day of swimming lessons for the spring. Madeline is now ready for Baby Ducks 2, which we start on June 7th for the summer session. Madeline got 4 ribbons today!
Left to right:
You got your wish! I blow bubbles like a fish!
Give me a hug! I'm a little water bug!
Choo! Choo! I won't fall I can hold onto the wall!
Sing me a song and I'll float on my back all day long!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

No more swaddle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night she went to sleep without the swaddle!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
She took up like 2/3 of the bed! hahaShe also fell back asleep without a swaddle this afternoon. But she did have a death grip on my shirt...I had to pry my shirt out so that I could go get more house work done. I figured that I better put something there to replace me, so I used the Velveteen Rabbit that Aunt Jennifer gave Madeline. It worked GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww, so cute!!!!!We are going to try it again tonight and see what happens!!!

PJ Day

Last Tuesday Madeline was not feeling well so we just stayed home all day and had a PJ day. She napped a good amount and I got some work done. Madeline got to watch some TV b/c mommy felt sorry for her since she wasn't feeling well. Here are pics of her enjoying her TV time...and it took her a long time to come and try to get the camera so you know she was into her show!!!!! Hahaha
She sees mommy taking pictures but she really wants to watch her show!
Madeline was VERY into her show!
Something must have been funny on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
She decided she couldn't take it anymore and she has to come and get the camera from me!

Mommy, I am going to get that camera from you!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Madeline can walk!!!!!

Behind her stroller/walker she can!!!! Mommy set her up this afternoon behind her stroller and she walked all around her room for the first time! She walks sideways all around the coffee table but never did much forward walking until tonight. It won't be long before she is running!!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Girl Supper

Madeline enjoyed a big girl supper tonight. She had a nice bar-b-qued steak made by daddy, with a side of twice bake stuffed potatoes and some red wine mushrooms. She loved all of it!!!!

Mother's Day

So last week was a little mixed up so mommy didn't get her present until this week. Daddy told mommy what is was and asked if I would like to watch, which was half the fun! Daddy went got posters and paint and let Madeline make mommy a card. Madeline didn't really know what to do!!!!Then she got into it a little more!Afterwards...there was more paint on her then the card!Daddy took her straight to the bathtub!
Mommy loved her first Mother's Day present b/c it actually came from Madeline!!!

Hello and Bye Bye

Madeline used her first words in the right context!!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sorting the Mail

Madeline and daddy sort the mail every night and she LOVES it!!!!

Daddy normally makes sure she has her pacifier so that she will not eat the mail and then they get to work!She loves the junk mail!

9 Month Check Up!

So the doctor said that Madeline is a growing healthy little girl!

Weight - 18 pounds and 9 oz (25-50%)
Length - 28 inches (50-75%)
Head Circumference - 18 inches (25-50%)

They took some blood to test her iron levels and they came back a little low...but we are just thinking it is b/c Madeline would NOT sit still for the nurse to take enough blood. The nurse said that Madeline was a very active baby and she had never had that much trouble getting the blood. She takes after her daddy...bouncing off the walls!!!! So we are going to go back next week and see if maybe we can get a little more blood and a better test.

And lastly she got her last shot for a while...YAY!!!! Mommy hates seeing her get those!!!! Madeline did well with both the finger prick (which she didn't cry at all for) and the shot (which she only cried a little). She is such a strong little girl!

Playdate at the park

Today we went to a playdate in the park with Spring Moms and Babes. It was actually orientation for all the new members. We met Mrs. Annie and Arran there along with lots of new friends.
Mommy keeps forgetting to get a picture of Madeline and Arran, but today I acutally remembered. This is Madeline trying to get the camera.This is Madeline pitching a fit b/c I wouldn't give her the camera. Mrs. Annie was trying to make her happy and poor little Arran, who had no clue what was going on. I think I will have to start bringing both cameras with for Madeline to play with and one to actually take pictures with. She has become quite the little Drama Queen! hahaha

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More swimming pics

Mrs. Mary sent us some pictures from swimming yesterday. She had a lot more since Madeline wouldn't let me take any. Haha

Mommy and Madeline having fun...this was before I went and got the camera!Mrs. Mary, Jake and Madeline fighting over the camera, and mommy!

Another first

Tonight we gave Madeline some pieces of chicken and peas in a bowl of her own. She didn't really know what to do at first. She just kind of picked up the food and mushed it in her hand. But then she realized, oh this goes in my mouth!
She liked it a lot!!!!!!
Daddy had to help a little b/c Madeline was making a mess all over the place!
She likes peas!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today we went swimming with a bunch of the neighbors. Stacey and Caden invited us this morning and then we met up with Mary and Jake on the way there. Madeline enjoyed playing in her raft, but then wanted to get out. She was able to touch in the baby pool and really liked that. Jake also enjoyed playing in Madeline's raft. Then mommy went and got the camera and was trying to take pictures. Madeline would not give it to mommy, so this is the only picture we got.Madeline was quite the little Drama Queen when I took the camera away. Mommy thought it was very funny!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy 9 Months Madeline!!!!!

WOW I can't believe Madeline is already 9 months. She is SSSSSOOOOOOO much fun!!!!! She crawls, pulls up on stuff, tries to do things and make sounds like me and daddy. She laughs a lot and cries right now while her daddy is trying to put her diaper on. haha She hates to change cloths.

Here is Madeline and her birthday cake
Madeline screaming at me telling me she wants some of the cakeAnd she helped herselfSo daddy had to lick the cake off!You can see where her little figures got into the cake

Daddy stayed home today and we went to Auntie Alisa (our photographer) to take pictures. Madeline did a great job...she is SO cute! :)