Thursday, May 13, 2010

9 Month Check Up!

So the doctor said that Madeline is a growing healthy little girl!

Weight - 18 pounds and 9 oz (25-50%)
Length - 28 inches (50-75%)
Head Circumference - 18 inches (25-50%)

They took some blood to test her iron levels and they came back a little low...but we are just thinking it is b/c Madeline would NOT sit still for the nurse to take enough blood. The nurse said that Madeline was a very active baby and she had never had that much trouble getting the blood. She takes after her daddy...bouncing off the walls!!!! So we are going to go back next week and see if maybe we can get a little more blood and a better test.

And lastly she got her last shot for a while...YAY!!!! Mommy hates seeing her get those!!!! Madeline did well with both the finger prick (which she didn't cry at all for) and the shot (which she only cried a little). She is such a strong little girl!

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