Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First day of day care

It was quit a sad day yesterday b/c I finally brought Madeline to day care around 2:20. We went to swimming yesterday (which she did GREAT even after being gone for 2 weeks) and then we went to the grocery store. I was putting off bringing her for as long as I could. Then we got home and I planned on feeding her and then bringing her around 12:30. Well after I fed her she was tired and crancky, so of course I couldn't bring her like that. So I went and put her in her swing for a nap. She slept for almost two hours and was in a pretty good mood so I figured I would bring her. I was very nervous about how the two of us would do, but we both did pretty well. I knew I was only leaving her for like a hour so it was that bad. The lady at the front desk took her right when we walked in and Madeline was smiling at her. Then we went into her room and one of her teachers took her and she smiled again at her. She did look back once when she was with her teacher to make sure it was ok by me. Then they put her on the floor to play with the other kids and she was fine. She didn't look back which made me sad...but happy at the same time b/c I knew she would be ok. I left her room and went and watched her on the TV in the lobby for a little while. She looked like she was having a good time! I left a little sad, but knew that this day was going to come sooner or later. Plus I think it will be good for her to be around other people and kids.

I was very anxious to get back there after my chiroprator appointment! When I walked in she was a little fussy and so they were about to give her some puffs. Then when she saw me she really started crying. I dropped everything that was in my hands so that I could take her right away. I missed her so much! She must have missed me a lot too! :) But they said that she had a good time and only had become a little fussy in the last couple of minutes. I think she was tired! Well actually I think one of her cousins might have given her a cold this weekend, so she was feeling very well.

Here are pictures of M after her first day with her school behind her.
She wasn't even mad at me for dropping her off...what a happy baby!!!!
When we got home I played and played and played with her! I felt so bad for bringing her to day care! Then I rocked her to sleep for her nap. I normally put her in her swing so that I can get some work done. I didn't want to put her down!

I will probably drop her off this afternoon and see if I can make it for two hours. haha

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